Picture Book Brief – Project 4

For our next project we are looking into designing and illustrating our own children picture books aimed at a demographic of 3-7. I started looking at children books that were my favourite when I was younger and looked at their designs, I looked at books such as:

“Eat Your Peas”



“The Tiger Who Came To Tea”



“Little Rabbit Foo Foo”

Little rabbit foo foo 1




Looking at these designs are very illustrative and designs like the ones in “Little Rabbit Foo Foo” and “The Tiger Who Came To Tea” made me decide that I want to go down the simplistic and minimalistic route for my picture book. So I then went onto looking at the pictures books by Simon Rickerty, especially “Monkey Nut” and “Crayon”, I really like how simple these designs are and keeping a simple colour scheme.

the-peanut-9781442483644.in01 the-crayon-9781481404754.in02


I also really like how he has added real photos of objects that are crucial to the story. I am going to keep my style similar to this as it is very visually engaging without being too overcrowded or busy.

Business Cards

I started designing business cards for my company, using my colour scheme, logo and supporting graphics I experimented with earlier in the project. I showed my initial business card design in the workshop group review and their was a couple reviews and mistakes that I needed to look over, the mistake was that I stretched the company font to make it look slated which I amended and then I changed the font of the text for the information at the back of the card. The other critic was to use a different font, so I used one more basic, however I’m not sure if I liked this as it didn’t fit with the rest of the theme, so I will keep the calligraphy font for the basic information:

business cards2-01



business cards 2-02

business cards2-02



Website Layouts

For my company website layout, I wanted to keep mine a simple grid layout to show text box’s and images in a clear manner. For inspiration I looked at website layouts on Pinterest to see what worked well and keeping it modern in terms of style and trends.

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I realised that most of these designs stuck to a grid layout and used a lot of images. I took these designs in mind and started designing my own website. I used my colour scheme and placed my logo on the top left of the page with the navigational bar along the top. I need wanted images that swiped across the page and hyperlinked to different pages. I also searched for free stock images to include in my webpage of people with tattoos and tattoos being created. I did my first website draft in photoshop, this is what I was working on, however I stopped and started it again but developing it in InDesign: